Hanamachi, stages of a geiko’s career, rites of passage and culture
Stages in a career
Shikomi When a girl is young and lives in an okiya she will perform the stage of Shikomi. Today this is usually just the relatives of the okiya proprietress or working geisha, their daughters planning to become geisha themselves, though once young girls sold to okiya would have worked in …
Maiko - Apprentice Geisha
Maiko are apprentice geisha (geiko). They are only found in Kyoto and are often used as the ultimate symbol of Japan. Maiko are a rare breed now, only several at any one time and confined primarily to the Gion and Pontocho districts. Maiko are easily recognised by their attire. …
Geiko - Women of Art
Geiko, and their apprentices maiko, are traditional artisans of the Kansai area of Japan. Geiko and maiko are still active in Kyoto on a fairly large scale, and there are at least one yakata (geiko household) still operating in Nara prefecture and Gifu prefecture. These communities operate somewhat traditionally, with …
Hanamachi - Geisha Districts
Hanamachi – literally “flower town” is a district where geisha entertainment is centered. Each district has its own okiya (geisha households), ochaya (teahouses for entertaining) and kaburenjo (geisha district office). In the high days of geisha history each hanamachi had its own ranking and long lineage – names, kimono, dances and culture …